ANTOINE TZAPOFF     |   home

"Desde nino Antoine se intereso en los Indios Americanos y ha estudiado sus costumbres y religiones para poder pintarlos"
Maria Felix

La Vie En Rouge  (Detail) 2001
Acrylic on Canvas
The Last Painting of Maria Felix made by Antoine Tzapoff

Portrait of Maria Felix in a Tehuana Attire (Detail) 1991
Acrylic on Canvas 220 x 156 cm

The relationship between Antoine Tzapoff and the famous actress Maria Felix started in Paris many years ago when Mdme. Felix was invited to participate in a fashion event organized and coordinated by Christian Dior.

The event was inspired in the popular Mexican attires.  After the successful event, a very close friend of Mdme. Felix, requested to have one of the many photographs taken that evening, the picture was intended to serve as a model for the first painting of Mdme. Felix by Antoine Tzapoff.  

The first portrait of Mdme. Felix by Antoine, inspired Mdme. Felix to request for another painting similar to the first.  Antoine Tzapoff accepted the request, the result is  two magnificent portraits that are displayed on a rotating frame made of silver by Tane.

Maria Felix on the Christian Dior Fashion Event

Dona Huichol 1 - 1981
Portrait of Maria Felix
Acrylic on Canvas

Dona Huichol 2 - 1981
Portrait of Maria Felix
Acrylic on Canvas

The personal relationship between Antoine Tzapoff and Maria Felix has created an extraordinary collection of paintings of Mdme. Felix in different attires, in different stages.  It is wise to mention that every attire shown on each painting is real, nothing is created in the mind of the painter, every detail is extraordinary and magnificent.  Antoine Tzapoff has created one painting of Mdme. Felix for every year of their life together.

Tehuana - 1991
Acrylic on Canvas
220 x 156 cm

Dime Que Me Quieres Aunque No Sea Verdad (detail)- 1994-95
Acrylic on Canvas
82 x 90 cm

Dona con Porcelana - 1988-89
Acrylic on Canvas

Teotihuacan - 1981-82
Acrylic on Canvas

Esmeraldas - 1981-82
(Antoine Tzapoff Autoportrait as Ottawa Warrior)
Acrylic on Canvas

Dientes - 1985
Acrylic on Canvas

Tartarita - 1982
Acrylic on Canvas

Armada Hasta Los Dientes - 1997
Acrylic on Canvas
94 x 82 cm

Pedro - 1992
Acrylic on Canvas
72  x 56 cm

Dona Iguana - 1984
Acrylic on Canvas
72 x 56 cm

* Photographs of the paintings shown on this page belong to the private collection of Mdme. Maria Felix
Photographs shown on this page  have been reproduced by expressed permission of Mr. Antoine Tzapoff and Mdme. Maria Felix

© Copyright  2001 - 2002 - 2003 - 2004 - 2005- 2006 "Antoine Tzapoff: The European Warrior", all rights reserved.
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